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Date : 2008-02-01

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Rating : 4.5

Reviews : 38

Category : Book

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Rickshaw Girl by Mitali Perkins Goodreads ~ The Rickshaw Girl is a fictional story about a young girl growing up in Bangladesh named Naima In order to make ends meet her father had to borrow money to buy a rickshaw and must make payments Naima wants desperately to help her family but girls are not allowed to work and she has no brothers to take on some of the labor

Rickshaw Girl Mitali Perkins Jamie Hogan 9781580893091 ~ Mitali Perkins has written several novels for young readers including You Bring the Distant Near nominated for the National Book Award Rickshaw Girl a NYPL best 100 Book for children in the past 100 years Bamboo People an ALA Top 10 YA novel and Tiger Boy which won the South Asia Book Award for Younger Readers Mitali was born in Kolkata India and has lived in Bangladesh India England Thailand Mexico Cameroon and Ghana

Rickshaw Girl IMDb ~ A Bangladeshi girl bravely attempts to help her struggling family by disguising herself as a boy and driving her fathers prized rickshaw for much needed extra money Based on the acclaimed middlegrade novel by Mitali Perkins

Rickshaw Girl by Mitali Perkins Jamie Hogan Paperback ~ Rickshaw Girl is a story about a young girl named Naima from Bangladesh who more than anything wants to help her impoverished family Naimas father is a Rickshaw driver who works day in and day out and her mother takes care of their home and Naimas younger sister

Author Mitali Perkins Rickshaw Girl ~ Rickshaw Girl reads much like a fairy or like a legend drawn from Bangladesh where Indiaborn Mitali Perkins lived for a time and from which her ancestors came Yet this is a thoroughly modern story although one set in a part of the world with which most Americans have little familiarity

Rickshaw Girl by Mitali Perkins 9780525624424 ~ About Rickshaw Girl This acclaimed awardwinning novel by Mitali Perkins will soon be a movie Naima is a talented painter of traditional alpana patterns which Bangladeshi women and girls paint on their houses for special celebrations But Naima is not satisfied just painting alpana

Rickshaw Girl – Charlesbridge ~ Rickshaw Girl is a timely book that introduces the reader to the idea of micro loans Naima lives in a Bangladesh village If she were a boy she could help her father bring income to the family One day as her father is resting Naima tries to drive the familys rickshaw

Rickshaw Girl Printables Classroom Activities Teacher ~ Rickshaw Girl Written by Mitali Perkins and Illustrated by Jamie Hogan Naima lives in Bangladesh with her father a rickshaw driver and her mother a homemaker She wants to earn money to help her family but her first attempt ends with a broken rickshaw

Rickshaw Girl Discussion Activity Guide Literature ~ Rickshaw Girl Mitali Perkins Naima is a talented painter of traditional alpana patterns which Bangladeshi women and girls paint on their houses for special celebrations

Rickshaw Girl A Mighty Girl ~ Mitali Perkins was born in Kolkata India and immigrated at age seven to the States with her family Her other awardwinning books for young readers include Bamboo PeopleRickshaw Girl Secret Keeper and the First Daughter books Mitali speaks frequently about the transforming power of stories as well as growing up between cultures


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